The JMA model has been changed from GEPS to CPS coupled to an ocean model since the 19th February 2023 with the main changes related to S2S outputs: - General changes:
- output frequency for 10 metre wind and precipitation changed from 24 to 6-hourly
- increased number of vertical layers for vertical velocity
- surface thermal radiation downwards parameter newly provided
- Real-time forecasts changes:
- ensemble size decreased from 25 to 5
- frequency changed from twice a week (every Tuesday and Wednesday at 12Z) to every day (0Z)
- Reforecasts changes (the new corresponding fixed reforecast set with model version date 30/09/2022 will be added in the near future):
- ensemble size decreased from 13 to 5
- the start dates changes as per JMA Model#CPS3
More information can be found in: |