Total Precipitation (TP)
Precipitation is measured using a rain gauge. The height of this gauge above the ground varies from country to country, and the design of the gauge itself may also vary. Where snowfall is a dominant fraction of the precipitation in the cold months (e.g. Russia) the gauge may be 1-3 metres above the ground and will be protected by circular hedges around it, to try to reduce wind speeds near the gauge so snowflakes can fall in.
copernicus-support@ecmwf.int |
Dataset coverage
Geographic area
Historical: ERA5 |
Seasonal Forecasts:
Projections: original data come from CORDEX simulations available via the ESGF portal. |
Historical: original gridded data come from the ERA5 Reanalysis |
Seasonal Forecasts: original data is available from the C3S Climate Data Store. See here for further details of the seasonal forecast models used. |
Projections: original data come from CORDEX simulations available via the ESGF portal. |