paramId | shortName | Name | units |
50 | lspf | Large-scale precipitation fraction | s |
57 | uvb | Downward UV radiation at the surface | J m**-2 |
58 | par | Photosynthetically active radiation at the surface | J m**-2 |
159 | blh | Boundary layer height | m |
169 | ssrd | Surface short-wave (solar) radiation downwards | J m**-2 |
175 | strd | Surface long-wave (thermal) radiation downwards | J m**-2 |
176 | ssr | Surface net short-wave (solar) radiation | J m**-2 |
177 | str | Surface net long-wave (thermal) radiation | J m**-2 |
179 | ttr | Top net long-wave (thermal) radiation | J m**-2 |
195 | lgws | Eastward gravity wave surface stress | N m**-2 s |
196 | mgws | Northward gravity wave surface stress | N m**-2 s |
197 | gwd | Gravity wave dissipation | J m**-2 |
210 | ssrc | Surface net short-wave (solar) radiation, clear sky | J m**-2 |
211 | strc | Surface net long-wave (thermal) radiation, clear sky | J m**-2 |
229 | iews | Instantaneous eastward turbulent surface stress | N m**-2 |
230 | inss | Instantaneous northward turbulent surface stress | N m**-2 |
231 | ishf | Instantaneous surface sensible heat flux | W m**-2 |
232 | ie | Instantaneous moisture flux | kg m\*\*-2 s\*\*-1 |
3062 | lsp | large scale precipitation | kg m**-2 |
228029 | i10fg | Instantaneous 10 metre wind gust | m s**-1 |
228032 | asn | Snow albedo | % |
228089 | tcrw | Total column rain water | kg m**-2 |
228090 | tcsw | Total column snow water | kg m**-2 |
228144 | sf | Snow Fall water equivalent | kg m**-2 |
228164 | tcc | Total Cloud Cover | % |
228217 | ilspf | Instantaneous large-scale surface precipitation fraction | (0 - 1) |
228218 | crr | Convective rain rate | kg m\*\*-2 s\*\*-1 |
228219 | lsrr | Large scale rain rate | kg m\*\*-2 s\*\*-1 |
231001 | fzrawe | Accumulated freezing rain water equivalent | kg m**-2 |
231003 | eswe | Snow evaporation water equivalent | kg m**-2 |
260089 | nswrf | Net short wave radiation flux | W m**-2 |
260259 | eva | Evaporation | kg m**-2 |