The European Weather Cloud (EWC) is connecting cloud environment of ECMWF and EUMETSAT into a larger entity, providing seamless access to online data, functions, and services from both organisations. The key assets of the EWC are to provide data proximate computing facilities and the meteorological community to speed up boost the development.
The EWC is available for Member States (NMHS and nominated organisations, for Official Duties), EUMETSAT SAFs, European meteorological organisations (e.g., EUMETNET), and research entities aligned with EUMETSAT's mission and EUMETSAT internal users. EUMETSAT and ECMWF Councils define the usage of the EWC. The EWC offers the possibility to federate with existing infrastructures established by ECMWF or EUMETSAT’s NMHSs.Member State.
The service consists of cloud resources provided by EUMETSAT and ECMWF and controlled by cloud management software Morpheus. Users can deploy and manage virtual machines (VM) and the application environment to the both clouds (EUMETSAT and ECMWF) regardless of their tenancy location.
Users deploy their own applications and are responsible of the maintenance Users are responsible to maintain their applications and the application environment operated in the EWC while EUMETSAT will provide support in all EWC-specific problems and support using cloud resources in meteorological domain-specific applications. Common ground Terms and Conditions including eligibility to use the service, roles, and responsibilities are available at:
The EWC resources are accounted using annual budgets of billing units (EWCU). Each tenancy has a budget, which they consume based on the deployed resources. To prevent the system, the tenancies has also a quota – a hard limit of each type of resource, which cannot be exceeded. Member State Computing Representatives manage their Member State’s resources.
The service consists of cloud resources provided by EUMETSAT and ECMWF and controlled by cloud management software Morpheus. Users can deploy and manage virtual machines (VM) and the application environment to the both clouds (EUMETSAT and ECMWF) regardless of their tenancy location+Service.
Cloud Management Services