Status:Ongoing analysis Material from: Linus, Tim, Florence
Discussed in the following Daily reports:
1. Impact
On the 25 February (late afternoon), south-west France was hit by a squall line bringing heavy showers and wind gusts.
A presentation from Meteo-France about the event can be found here (provided by Marc Tardy from the Forecast Department at Meteo-France).
The satellite image above shows the convective cell (and the end of the arrow).
The figure above shows the maximum wind gusts for this day. Unfortunately, this event was not captured by did not hit any of the stations we (ECMWF) have available for verification.
3. Predictability
3.1 Data assimilation
3.2 HRES
GalleryincludeLabel tp1h sort name title 1-hour precipitation and MSLP
includeLabel | tp1h |
sort | name |
title | 1-hour precipitation and MSLP |