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When all the tasks of the same family share the same variable value,
the value could be defined at the family level.
This is termed variable inheritance
Let us have a quiz. Consider the following suite:
Code Block |
suite test edit SLEEP 100 family f1 edit SLEEP 80 task t1 task t2 edit SLEEP 9 family g1 edit SLEEP 89 task x1 edit SLEEP 10 task x2 endfamily endfamily family f2 task t1 task t2 edit SLEEP 77 family g2 task x1 edit SLEEP 12 task x2 endfamily endfamily endsuite |
Here is the value for SLEEP for the above suite. Make sure you understand this.
SLEEP/test/f1/t1 80 /test/f1/t2 9 /test/f1/g1/x1 10 /test/f1/g1/x2 89 /test/f2/t1 100 /test/f2/t2 77 /test/f2/g2/x1 12 /test/f2/g2/x2 100
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