Retrieve "Sea ice area fraction" (param 31; grid O8000) and "Sea surface temperature" (param 34; grid O8000) at step 0 (0 hours after run start: 2018-11-01, 00:00:00):
Code Block |
request = { 'class' : 'rd', 'date' : '2018-11-01', 'expver' : 'hs3g', 'levtype' : 'sfc', 'param' : '31/34', 'step' : '0', 'stream' : 'oper', 'time' : '00:00:00', 'type' : 'fc' } |
Retrieve "Pressure" (param 54) and "Temperature" (param 130) at all ; grid TCO7999) for the lowest 10 model levels at step 6 (6 hours after run start: 2018-11-01, 06:00:00):
Code Block |
request = { 'class' : 'rd', 'date' : '2018-11-01', 'expver' : 'hs3g', 'levelist': '1128/to/137', 'levtype' : 'ml', 'param' : '54/130', 'step' : '6', 'stream' : 'oper', 'time' : '00:00:00', 'type' : 'fc' } |
Retrieve "Specific humidity" (param 133) at all ; grid O8000) for the lowest 10 pressure levels at step 24 (24 hours after run start: 2018-11-02, 00:00:00):
Code Block |
request = {
'class' : 'rd',
'date' : '2018-11-01',
'expver' : 'hs3g',
'levelist': '1/2/3/5/7/10/20/30/50/70/100/150/200/250/300/400/500/700/850/925/1000',
'levtype' : 'pl',
'param' : '133',
'step' : '24',
'stream' : 'oper',
'time' : '00:00:00',
'type' : 'fc'
} |
See the milestone note DE-EDT-5-22.M2 for other keywords which can be used to retrieve parameters at a coarsened resolution or for a reduced area. For example:
- To use a coarsened 1° x 1° lat/long grid, use the keyword:
'grid' : '1.0/1.0'
To extract data for a given area, for example Europe, use the keyword:
' : '73.5/-27/33/45'