Users who wish to transfer files between ECMWF and Member State servers using ectrans need to declare one or more ectrans associations for the storage/retrieval of the remote file. This can be done either through the Web Toolkit command ecaccess-association-put (see Web Toolkit - The full featured client) or through the ECaccess Web interface of the target gateway (see The Web server). For every association (previously known as "msuser"), the hostname, login username and password, target path and transfer protocol need to be specified. Target directories can be located on:
> ectrans -help usage: ectrans [-gateway name] -remote association@[protocol] \ [-get|-put] -source [ec:|ectmp:]filename [args ...] (*) ectrans -check requestID (*) -gateway {arg} - access gateway name (default (**): ecaccess boaccess.ecmwf.int) -remote {arg} - association and (optional) protocol (default (**): *none*) -source {arg} - source file name -target {arg} - target file name (default: same as -source) -mailto {arg} - target email address (default: current user) -lifetime {arg} - lifetime of the file in the spool (default: 1w) (***) (****) -delay {arg} - transmission delay (default: immediate transfer) (***) (****) -at {arg} - transmission date (default: immediate transfer) (****) -format {arg} - define the date format as used with -at (default: yyyyMMddHHmmss) -retryCnt {arg} - define the number of retries (default: async=144, sync=0) -retryFrq {arg} - define the frequency of retries (default: async=10m, sync=1m) (***) -maxTime {arg} - define the maximum transfer duration (default: 12h) (***) -priority {arg} - transmission priority 0-99 (default: 99) (****) -put - interactive/synchronous transfer (no spool) -get - interactive/synchronous pull (rather than push) file -onsuccess - mail sent on successful transfer -onfailure - mail sent when transfer has failed -onretry - mail sent when transfer is retried -keep - keep the request in the spool till expiration (****) (*****) -remove - always remove the request from the spool (****) (*****) -reject - if existing target file (default) -append - if existing target file -resume - if existing target file -overwrite - if existing target file -verbose - verbose mode on -version - print version number -help - this message (*) If successful, a requestID is returned, which can be used in check requests. Exit code is 0 on success and >0 otherwise. (**) The default values depend on the GATEWAY or REMOTE environment variables. (***) Duration in weeks, days, hours, minutes or seconds (e.g. 1w|2d). (****) These options are only relevant when the spool is used. The spool is no used during interactive transfers (-get and -put options). (*****) By default, successful requests are removed from the spool and failed requests are kept in the spool till expiration.
> ectrans gateway ecaccess.meteo.ms \ -remote myUser@genericFtp \ -get -source fff \ -verbose gateway: ecaccess boaccess.ecmwf.int echost: ecgate.ecmwf.int ecport: 644 action: get ecuser: uid target: fff source: fff keep : false option: reject File to download (0 bytes) 5140480 bytes to download