Originating centres should upload their files to the (S)FTP server ftpaux.ecmwf.int (using login wmolcdnv) to the directory /data/incoming/ (URL ftp://wmolcdnv@ftpwmolcdnv@aux.ecmwf.int/data/incoming/). The server supports both ftp and sftp protocols.
The incoming directory for incoming files will be periodically scanned and new files processed. If a new file passes the syntax check it will be moved to the archive directory and its content imported to the LC DNV score database.
Archived files
URL ftp://wmolcdnv@ftpwmolcdnv@aux.ecmwf.int/, directory:
/data/monthly/cccc/ (for monthly means)
/data/daily/cccc/ (for daily values)
(for the centre identifier cccc see above).
For information on how to get access to FTP server please check here.