Advanced Tools for pro-Active Management of Impacts and Risks Induced by Convective Weather, Heavy Rain and Flash floods in Europe (TAMIR)
The TAMIR project (project ID: 874435) was a European Commission Civil Protection Preparedness project that ran from February 2020 to September 2022, it aimed to develop forecast products which could inform about the potential impacts resulting from flash flood hazards. The project was led by FMI (Finnish Meteorological Institute) and involved partners from UPC (Technical University of Catalonia), ECMWF and KYMPE (Kymenlaakso rescue). The project was a continuation of previous European Commission funded projects: HAREN, EDHIT, ERICHA and SMUFF.
For more information about the TAMIR project please consult the project website (due to the completion of the project, this website may expire at some point within the year following September 2022)