We have been informed that In December 2021, an issue has been was identified in the the Near surface meteorological variables from 1979 to 2019 derived from bias-corrected reanalysis v2 v2.0 dataset (aka WFDE5 v2.0).
An error has been reported for the variable Near-surface specific humidity (kg kg-1), in regions/times where/when T < 0. The methodology used to calculate this variable needs to be corrected.
We are in the process of documenting the issue. A correction may be applied to the data in which case a new version of the data will be released in early 2022.
We recommend WFDE5 data users to 'Watch' this announcement to receive an email notification when additional details will be posted on this page.We are pleased to inform our users that the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) at ECMWF has now released an updated version of the data (WFDE5 v2.1). For details about the issue and the solution implemented, please refer to the 'Known Issues' section of the Product User Guide
For any enquiries about this, please contact us.
ECMWF Support