ecFlow is a work flow package that enables users to run a large number of programs (with dependencies on each other and on time) in a controlled environment. It provides reasonable tolerance for hardware and software failures, combined with good restart capabilities.
ecFlow submits tasks (jobs) and receives acknowledgements from tasks when they change status and when they send events, using child commands embedded in the scripts. Ecflow stores the relationship between tasks, and is able to submit tasks dependent on triggers.
Children Display |
Children Display |
- Cookbook Introduction
- How can I access the path and task states ?
- How can I monitor my suite independent of the GUI ?
- How can I traverse the definition in python ?
- Automated zombies ?
- How can I test a definition without writing scripts ?
- Toward an operational server.
- Native Perl Tasks
- Native Python Tasks
- Python definition example
- Acquisition task pattern example
- Introduction
- Task wrappers migration
- Header files migration
- Definition files migration
- Miscallenous
- Example
- Child commands comparison
- client commands to load and replace