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If you would like to try the Metview introductory tutorial material, go to the Tutorials page and find the 'Metview Introductory Material' section. Now follow the instructions under 'Metview Macro'. An expanded version of the webinar slides can be found as 'mv_macro.pdf'.
Macro Tutorial 1 teaches the basics of the Macro language. We suggest you do only steps 1-8 and 11-12 (i.e., omit steps 9-10 and the section on expanding Macro with your own Fortran or C routines).
Macro Tutorial 2 demonstrates how to deal with observation data and compare it with gridded field data.
Macro Tutorial 3 shows some of the more advanced aspects of GRIB-handling, such as masking a field based on the values of another, extracting point data from a fieldset and retrieving meta-data from a fieldset.
Past webinars
2013-03-12 : Introduction to Metview