Sometimes, for other reasons, gusts (and mean winds) can be higher in 47r3 than in 47r2, even when pressure gradients are almost identical. Such cases are in the minority however, as illustrated in the single-time comparison below.
Precipitation type products
Precipitation type products (in map and site-specific bar chart formats) are expected to show a reduced probability of precipitation falling at any given time, due to the change in spatial coverage of precipitation in cycle 47r3 noted above. The differences will be most apparent in summer, when convective rain, which exhibits the largest reduction in areal coverage, is more prevalent. Products in this class will thus have a "drier" look to them (although on bar charts a slight increase in higher rate probabilities is also expected). We may adjust the minimum rate thresholds used for these products at some future point, following more verification work; for the time being these thresholds remain the same.
Soil Moisture
One knock-on effect of the structural changes to precipitation fields described in the section above is that soil moisture now exhibits more spatial variability, particularly for soil level 1 (corresponding to the top 7cm of soil). Note the increased 'noise' on the new cycle plot below. There may be some direct impact on surface weather parameters although this has not been studied directly.