Zoom |
S2dwdkZkVk1EaXIzTHltQnJkbDJqQT09 |
945 7255 6104 | |
Question moderation app (Q2P) |
Password: EcmwfQ2p! | |
Virtual event platform | |
208cfb2b- |
a02b- |
4f19- |
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79bbae8b6a07 |
ECMWF is working with Glasgows, our AV technician partner, to deliver the workshop. This short guide will help you get set up in advance, whilst also minimising delays on the day.
- Background_left no text
- Background_right no text
- Background_left
- Background_right
- How to use a virtual background.
Speaker introductions
- .
The importance of time
Speakers have been asked to allow 5 minutes for questions within their allotted time. Please keep presenters on time and feel free to interrupt if they are running over. Whilst at an in-person event, speakers may be able to stretch the timing; that is not the case in the virtual world. The virtual audience will be tuning in to see what they need as specified in the programme and will expect us to be on time.