in the command line.
Copy the tutorial files
From a command line, type
cd ~/metview
unzip /scratch/graphics/cgi/public/scm_tutorial.zip
Now your 'scm_tutorial' folder should contain two icons, and a folder with solutions:
The SCM Input Data icon
Your input SCM data file (scm_in.trfas.nc) is recognised as a distinct filetype in Metview (by checking if the dataID global attribute is set to "SCM_OUTPUT") and this icon is assigned to it:
Will create a copy of this data and edit it. Right-click the icon and select duplicate from the menu. Rename the copy Scm Data 2 copy scm_in_modified.trfas.nc by clicking on the icon name. Right-click this new icon and select edit from the menu. The SCM data editor pops up.
First, specify the path to your SCM executable via parameter SCM_EXE_PATH (do not forget to hit ENTER after typed in the path, this guarantees that the text will be saved when click Apply in the editor). If you do not have one available, you can use the one which was used in creating this tutorial: /scratch/graphics/cgi/public/scmMASTER
Second, drop your original unmodified input data icon icon into the SCM_INPUT_DATA_PATH field and your namelist into the SCM_NAMELIST fields, respectively.
Now duplicate your Scm Run icon and rename the copy Scm Run 2. Edit the new icon, right-click remove the Scm Input Data, then drop your modified input data icon (Scm Data 2scm_in_modified.trfas.nc) into the Scm Input Data box in the editor. Save your changes, then execute this icon. You have now run the single column model on two different sets of input data, and the results are cached.