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| RosePlotting
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// Values of the EPS-forecast for the parameter 164.128
"164.128": {
"1": [ 0, 0, .., 0, 0 ],
... // valuesmembersfor 1the to8 50octats of the Rose for each steps defined in"50":steps[] "8 [ 0, 0, .., 0, 0 ], "forecast": [ 0, 0, .., 0, 0 ], // If the forecast is present it will be plotted of the 10 days epsgraph "control": [ 0, 0, .., 0, 0 ], // If the control is present it will be plotted of the 10 days epsgraph "steps": [0, 12, ..., 234, 240] // Steps of the forecast }, //Values of the EPS-forecast for another parameter for example 133.128.. This sequence can be repeated "133.128": { "1": [ 0, 0, .., 0, 0 ], ... //values membersfor 1the to8 50octats of the Rose for each steps defined in"50":steps[] "8 [ 0, 0, .., 0, 0 ], "forecast": [ 0, 0, .., 0, 0 ], // If the forecast is present it will be plotted of the 10 days epsgraph "control": [ 0, 0, .., 0, 0 ], // If the control is present it will be plotted of the 10 days epsgraph "steps": [0, 12, ..., 234, 240] // Steps of the forecast }, "date": "20120420", // Base date of the forecast. "time": "0000", // run of the forecast. "deterministic_height": 60.4558563232, // altitude of the grid-point for the deterministic model. Can be used to compute the temperature correction. "eps_height": 93.5405273438,// altitude of the grid-point for the eps model. Can be used to compute the temperature correction. "height": 61, // altitude of the point in real world. Can be used to compute the temperature correction. "land_sea_mask": 0.998962402344, // if < 0.5 we consider it is a sea point, Can be used in the title. "location": { // Information about the point, can be used in the title. "lat": 51.3883666992, "lon": 359.166656494 } , "points_along_meridian": 320 // Information displayed in the legend. } Column | | |||
Example of BoxPlot |
Example of Rose Plotting |
Example of Wind Direction plotting |
Example of Wave plotting |
title | Quick links |
cloud_box.json : Example of input data for boxplotting
cloud_rose.json : Example of input data for Rose Plotting
wind_direction.json : Example of input data for wind direction
wave.json : Example of input data for wave plotting
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{ // Values of the EPS-forecast for the parameter 164.128 "164.128": { "1": [ 0, 0, .., 0, 0 ], ... // members 1 to 50 values for the 8 octats of the Rose for each steps defined in steps[] "508": [ 0, 0, .., 0, 0 ], "forecast "steps": [ 0, 012, ..., 0234, 0 240], // Steps Ifof the forecast is present it will be plotted }, //Values of the 10 days epsgraph EPS-forecast for another parameter for example 133.128.. This sequence can be repeated "133.128": { "control1": [ 0, 0, .., 0, 0 ], ... // If the control is present it will be plotted of the 10 days epsgraph values for the 8 octats of the Rose for each steps defined in steps[] "8": [ 0, 0, .., 0, 0 ], "steps": [0, 12, ..., 234, 240] // Steps of the forecast }, "date": "20120420", // Base //Valuesdate of the EPS-forecast for another parameter for example 133.128.. This sequence can be repeated "133.128": { "1": [ 0, 0, .., 0, 0 ], ... // members 1 to 50 "50": [ 0, 0, .., 0, 0 ], "forecastforecast. "time": "0000", // run of the forecast. "height": 61, // altitude of the point in real world. Can be used to compute the temperature correction. "land_sea_mask": 0.998962402344, // if < 0.5 we consider it is a sea point, Can be used in the title. "location": { // Information about the point, can be used in the title. "lat": 51.3883666992, "lon": 359.166656494 } , "points_along_meridian": 320 // Information displayed in the legend. } |
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{ // Values of the EPS-forecast for the parameter 249.128 "249.140": { "east": [ 0, 0, .., 0, 0 ], ... //values Iffor the forecastprobability isof presenthaving ita willeasterly bewind plottedfor ofeach thesteps 10defined days epsgraphin steps[], "controlnorth": [ 0, 0, .., 0, 0 ], // If We expect an entry for each of the control is present it will be plotted of the 10 days epsgraphmain wind directions: // The name of the eight directions are [east, nord, nord_east, nord_west, south, south_east, south_west, west] "steps": [0, 12, ..., 234, 240] // Steps of the forecast }, "date": "20120420", // Base date of the forecast. "time": "0000", // run of the forecast. "deterministic_height": 60.455856323261, // altitude of the grid-point for the deterministic model.point in real world. "land_sea_mask": 0.998962402344, // if < 0.5 we consider it is a sea point, Can be used to compute the temperature correction. in the title. "location": { // Information about the point, can be used in the title. "lat": 51.3883666992, "lon": 359.166656494 } , "points_along_meridian": 320 // Information displayed in the legend. } |
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{ // Values of the EPS-forecast for the parameter 164.128 "164.128": { "1": [ 0, 0, .., 0, 0 ], ... // values for the 8 octats of the Rose for each steps defined in steps[] "8": [ 0, 0, .., 0, 0 ], "steps": [0, 12, ..., 234, 240] // Steps of the forecast }, //Valueseps_height": 93.5405273438,// altitude of the grid-point for the eps model. Can be used to compute the temperature correction.EPS-forecast for another parameter for example 133.128.. This sequence can be repeated "133.128": { "1": [ 0, 0, .., 0, 0 ], ... // values for the 8 octats of the Rose for each steps defined in steps[] "8": [ 0, 0, .., 0, 0 ], "steps": [0, 12, ..., 234, 240] // Steps of the forecast }, "date": "20120420", // Base date of the forecast. "time": "0000", // run of the forecast. "height": 61, // altitude of the point in real world. Can be used to compute the temperature correction. "land_sea_mask": 0.998962402344, // if < 0.5 we consider it is a sea point, Can be used in the title. "location": { // Information about the point, can be used in the title. "lat": 51.3883666992, "lon": 359.166656494 } , "points_along_meridian": 320 // Information displayed in the legend. } |