Time series of 12 months running window averaged SWE for ERA5 (blackblue) and ERA5Snow (cyan) and ERAland (redpink)
Global and North America: Clear stepwise negative trend in 2004 in ERA5 due to absence/activation of IMS assimilation before/from 2004. ERA5snow and ERA5;and have similar trend but with no data assimilation ERA5land has more snow than ERA5snow which assimilates in situ observations
Europe: not strong impact of IMS activation in 2004, due to well constrained snow analysis by dense in situ observations. Similar trend the three products
Arduini G., G. Balsamo, E. Dutra, J. Day, I. Sandu, S. Boussetta, T. Haiden Impact of a Multi‐Layer Snow Scheme on Near‐Surface Weather Forecasts, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems n. 12, pp. 4687–4710.