GDAP https://www.gewex.org/panels/gewex-data-and-analysis-panel/ provides unique input on dataset assessment (eg. Precipitation linked with IPWG, Earth Energy Imbalance and role of clouds and ocean diffusion). The IESWG presented at CGMS can also link to GDAP activities https://www.cgms-info.org/Agendas/agendas/CGMS-49
GLASS https://www.gewex.org/panels/global-landatmosphere-system-study-panel/ provides new model development aggregation projects with focus on the surface and surface-atmosphere coupling (eg.PLUMBER2, Urban-PLUMBER).
GHP http://www.gewex.org/panels/gewex-hydroclimatology-panel/ wish to connect to EFAS/GLOFAS. Shared the HEPEX/ECMWF workshop https://events.ecmwf.int/event/222/.
GASS https://www.gewex.org/panels/global-atmospheric-system-studies-panel/ progressed in all its project (significant advanced on the surface drag in COORDE). Precipitation remains a key focus.