real date | exp date | description of change |
20210125 | 20210122 | The high resolution FC has been set to work on cyclic mode (using initial conditions from previous forecast) instead of being nudged with GHG analysis (hd7v). This is due to some technical problems with experiment hd7v that have delayed the experiment. The nudging of the initial conditions will be resumed once hd7v catches up in NRT. |
Technical changes introduced during production
real date | exp date | description of change |
20210107 | 20210101 | Change FC length from T48 to T120 |
Flux updates
real date | exp date | description of change |
20201216 | 20210101 | 2020 emissions used for CO2, CH4 and CO as new emissions for 2021 will not be delivered until March 2021 |