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titleList of parameters

CDS parameter name for CMIP5

 ESGF variable id

Long name to be used in CMIP6


2m temperature


Near-Surface Air Temperature


Maximum 2m temperature in the last 24 hours


Daily Maximum Near-Surface Air Temperature


Minimum 2m temperature in the last 24 hours 


Daily Minimum Near-Surface Air Temperature


Skin temperaturetsSurface TemperatureKelvin
Mean sea level pressurepslSea Level PressurePa
Surface pressurepsSurface Air PressurePa
10m u component of winduasEastward Near-Surface Windm s-1
10m v component of windvasNorthward Near-Surface Winds-1
10m wind speedsfcWindNear-Surface Wind Speeds-1
2m relative humidityhursNear-Surface Relative Humidity1
2m specific humidityhussNear-Surface Specific Humidity1
Mean precipitation fluxprPrecipitationkg m-2s-1
SnowfallprsnSnowfall Flux

kg m-2 s-1

EvaporationevspsblEvaporation Including Sublimation and Transpiration

kg m-2 s-1

Atmosphere water vapor contentprwAtmosphere Water Vapor Contentkg m-2
Eastward turbulent surface stresstauuSurface Downward Eastward Wind StressPa
Northward turbulent surface stresstauvSurface Downward Northward Wind StressPa
Surface latent heat fluxhflsSurface Upward Latent Heat FluxW m-2
Surface sensible heat fluxhfssSurface Upward Sensible Heat FluxW m-2 
Surface thermal radiation downwardsrldsSurface Downwelling Longwave RadiationW m-2

Surface upwelling longwave radiation

rlusSurface Upwelling Longwave RadiationW m-2

Surface solar radiation downwards

rsdsSurface Downwelling Shortwave RadiationW m-2

Surface upwelling shortwave radiation

rsusSurface Upwelling Shortwave RadiationW m-2

TOA incident solar radiation

rsdtTOA Incident Shortwave RadiationW m-2
TOA outgoing shortwave radiationrsutTOA Outgoing Shortwave RadiationW m-2
TOA outgoing longwave radiationrlutTOA Outgoing Longwave RadiationW m-2
TOA outgoing clear-sky shortwave radiationrsutcsTOA Outgoing Shortwave Flux Assuming Clear SkyW m-2
TOA outgoing clear-sky longwave radiationrlutcsTOA Outgoing Longwave Flux Assuming Clear SkyW m-2
Total cloud covercltTotal Cloud Cover Percentage1
Air temperaturetaAir TemperatureK
U-component of winduaEastward Winds-1
V-component of windvaNorthward Winds-1
Relative humidityhurRelative Humidity1
Specific humidity husSpecific Humidity1
Geopotential heightzgGeopotential Heightm
Surface snow amountsnwSurface Snow Amountkg m-2
Snow depthsndSnow Depthm
Surface runoffmrrosSurface Runoff Fluxkg m-2 s-1
RunoffmrroTotal Runoffkg m-2 s-1
Soil moisture contentmrsosMoisture in Upper Portion of Soil Columnkg m-2
Sea-ice area percentagesiconcSea-Ice Area Percentage (Ocean Grid)1
Sea ice thicknesssithickSea Ice Thicknessm
Sea ice plus snow amountsimassSea-Ice Mass per Areakg m-2
Sea ice surface temperaturesitemptopSurface Temperature of Sea IceK
Sea surface temperaturetosSea Surface TemperatureK
Sea surface salinitysosSea Surface SalinityPSU
Sea surface height above geoidzosSea Surface Height Above Geoidm
Grid-cell area for ocean variablesareacelloGrid-Cell Area for Ocean Variables*m2
Sea area percentagesftofSea Area Percentage*%
Grid-cell area for atmospheric grid variablesareacellaGrid-Cell Area for Atmospheric Grid Variables*m2
Capacity of soil to store water (field capacity)mrsofcCapacity of Soil to Store Water (Field Capacity)*kg m-2
Percentage of grid cell occupied by land (including lakes)sftlfPercentage of the Grid Cell Occupied by Land (Including Lakes)*%
Land ice area percentagesftgifLand Ice Area Percentage*1
OrographyorogSurface Altitude*m
