Additional efforts (and funding) were devoted to support CORDEX activities by 1) providing support to archive in the ESGF relevant simulations available from the modelling centres for non-European domains not otherwise published in the ESGF nodes, and 2) making new simulations for the EURO-CORDEX domains. These activities are contributing to a significant enhancement of the regional climate model matrix over different domains in terms of emission scenarios, global model forcing and regional climate models. For the non-European domains resources were put into finding simulations, which were not available before (and not published in the ESGF earlier).
The effort done by Copernicus to consolidate a World-wide CORDEX dataset is also contributing to the IPCC-AR6 WGI activities, providing a curated dataset to be assessed together with global climate information from CMIP experiments, in particular in the Interactive Atlas, a new product of the IPCC allowing exploration of observed and projected climate data to complement the assessment of relevant datasets undertaken in the WGI chapters of IPCC.