An online meeting was held at 13.00-15.30 UTC with around 25 participants, covering five agenda items interspersed with discussion. (1) Robin Hogan explained what was required of CKDMIP participants in terms of data that should be provided and scenarios that should be covered – more technical details can be found in section 4 of the Technical Guide, as well as in the GMD paper (links on the CKDMIP home page). (2) Robin summarized the results so far, taking figures from the CKDMIP results page to show the improvement of RRTMGP compared to RRTMG, and the accuracy-efficiency trade-off with ecCKD. (3) James Manners summarized the workings of the SOCRATES CKD tool, and how the concept of equivalent extinction was used to treat spectral overlap. (4) Robert Pincus described his project to build a tool chain including user-friendly line-by-line and CKD software tools. (5) This was followed by a general discussion on the ways forward.
- Robin Hogan: What is required of participants; results so far; questions for discussion (PPT, PDF)
- James Manners: SOCRATES: correlated-k methods (PPT, PDF)
- Robert Pincus: Towards community tools for LBL modeling and CKD generation (PDF)
- Video of meeting (only available to CKDMIP participants with an FTP password - around 1.1 GB): MP4