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The edit tag has one available option – Preferences. Through this, you can set a number of options in ecflowview.
Figure 10 4 Main window edit menu–>preferences – user level folder
The user level tag in the preferences section of the edit tag allows you to define the "User level" for your ecflowview access. The different levels modify the available menu options in ecflowview. However, the behaviour can be overwritten or modified by the contents of a local .ecflowrc file.
Figure 10 5 Main window edit menu–>preferences – fonts folder
The font's folder allows redefinition of the fonts used in ecflowview.
Figure 10 6 Main window edit menu–>preferences – colours tag
The colours tag allows you to redefine the default colours used by ecflowview. This is useful if you have difficulty distinguishing certain colours.
Figure 10 7 Main window edit menu-> preferences – servers folder
The server's folder allows you to define additional ecFlow servers not available to the global list. To add a new entry you define the name you wish to use for the ecFlow server together with the host name hostname and port number. These servers will then be added to your local .ecflowrc file and be available from the main servers server's tag in ecflowview.
Figure 10 8 Main window edit tag – preferences – ecFlow folder
The final folder allows you to define more ecflowview settings including the frequency ecflowview polls the servers, when to open new windows, whether you wish to automatically register to new suites on ecFlow servers and whether you want the output to be automatically updated or not.