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Sometimes you want a task to run at a given time, or to run every three hours,
or to run only on the first of the month, or on Mondays,...
For that ecFlow supports date and time dependencies.
time dependencies can be absolute, i.e. they will run at the exact time.
They can also be relative; in this case we provide the time from the moment the suite is begun.
Time dependencies can be repeated at regular intervals. The nodes stays complete once all time instances have run.
In the section we show alternative to time based attributes using time triggers.
The following suite based generated variables are available for time based triggers.
- DD day of the month
- DOW day of the week, 0-6, where 0 is sunday
- DOY day of the year
- ECF_DATE YYYYMMDD , year, month, day format
- MM month 01-12
- YYYY year
Here are examples of time attributes and the corresponding trigger examples
Code Block |
time 23:00 # attrigger next 23:00 time 10:00 20:00 01:00 # every hour from 10am to 8pm time +00:01 # one minute after the suite has begun, or 1 minute after re-queue in a presence of a repeat time +00:10 01:00 00:05 # 10 to 60 minutes after begin every 5 minutesTIME 2300 |
In the last example we have task that runs every five minutes, however what happens if the task takes longer ?