Data exchange
The input fields should be split by the output data type, level type and eps number as per below. All steps should be merged into the same file.
Naming convention
tigge_CCCC_YYYYMMDDHH_VVVV_TT_LL_NNN.grib2 ... for ensemble forecasts
- CCC: centre acronym (e.g. kwbc for NCEP data)
- YYYYMMDDHH: date * time stamp (e.g. 2019100100 for 0Z run on 2019-10-01)
- VVVV: test/prod
- TT: cf/pf/fc (output type i.e. control forecast/eps member/high resolution forecast)
- LL: pl/sl/pt/pv (level type i.e. pressure/surface/pv level/pt level data)
- NNN: eps number (cf=0000, eps1=1001,....)