Computes the relative humidity from specific humidity fieldsets. This is a Metview icon function, for detailed documentation please see Relative Humidity.
Anchor relative_humidity_from_dewpoint relative_humidity_from_dewpoint
number relative_humidity_from_dewpoint(t: number, td: number)
vector relative_humidity_from_dewpoint(t: vector, td: vector)
fieldset relative_humidity_from_dewpoint(t: fieldset, td: fieldset)
Computes the relative humidity from the given temperature and dewpoint temperature, where
: temperature (K)td
: dewpoint temperature (K)
The result is the relative humidity in the range of [0, 1]. On error for nil
is returned. The computation is based on the following formula:
Mathdisplay |
r = \frac{e_{wsat}(Td)}{e_{wsat}(T)} |
where e
wsat is the saturation vapour pressure over water.
Anchor saturation_mixing_ratio saturation_mixing_ratio