Code Block | ||||||
| ||||||
python /home/ma/emos/def/o/admin/ecflow_suite.py -s suite -p $(($(id -u) + 1500)) -n localhost -r |
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Another example would be for seasonal suites, where forecast is on the first of the month, run few days after (here the 4th, in this example), where families may have to work with previous month date.
Code Block |
Family("seas").add( Label("info", "micro as tilde"), Variables(ECF_MICRO= "~"), Repeat(name="YM", start= [ "%d" % ( YM) for YM in range(201601, 203212+1) if (YM % 100) < 13], kind="enum"), Family("assim").add( Variables(YMD= "$(if [[ ~YM~ = *01 ]]; then echo $((~YM~ - 89)); else echo $((~YM~ -1)); fi)01", ), Label("info", "back one month"), Task("impossible").add(Trigger("1==0")), # replace me ), Family("fc").add( Variables(YMD= "~YM~01"), Trigger("assim eq complete"), Task("impossible").add(Trigger("1==0")), # replace me ), Family("hold").add( Time("10:00"), Date("4.*.*"), Task("always").add( Trigger("1==0"), Complete("1==1")), ), |
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