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Description of the upgrade
This cycle includes changes in the treatment of observations and improvements in the data assimilation and to the model. Quintic vertical interpolation in the semi-Lagrangian advection scheme has been introduced as well as the inclusion of a better surface albedo climatology making use of more data from the MODIS instrument.
New Metrics of Tropical Cyclone (TC) “size” will supplement the existing forecasts of TC track and intensity. We encourage users of these BUFR data to test their decoding software, see New Tropical Cyclone Wind Radii product.
#IFS47r1 #newfcsystem @ECMWF
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NEWS! The new model cycle (47r1) implementation date is 30th June 2020. Two webinars have been organised for the
The webinars will be 1 hour long, including a question and answer session. Further webinars are planned for 27 May at 8:30 UTC and 28 May at 14:30 UTC with a focus on verification, technical access to the test data, and new parameters and products. Details on how to join will be provided closer to the events. Summary of the new model cycle performance is now available. |
Implementation timeline
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Meteorological content
The changes in this model cycle cover the Data Assimilation, treatment of observations and improvements to the model itself
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AssimilationLWDA uses first guess from Early Delivery
Weak-constraint 4D-Var
Revision of skin temperature background errors in the context of TOVS sink variable
Timestep for last 4D-Var minimisation
ObservationsATMS observation error correlations
Channel-specific aerosol rejections for IR sounders
Spline interpolation in the 2D GPS-RO bending angle operator
ModelSurface albedo changes
Update to greenhouse gases and total solar irradiance
Quintic interpolation in semi-Lagrangian advection
Drag coefficient for very strong winds
Convection scheme
Tangent-linear physics
Meteorological impact
New metrics for Tropical cyclones
Metrics of Tropical Cyclone (TC) “size” will supplement the existing forecasts of TC track and intensity (minimum central mean sea level pressure and maximum wind around a TC).
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TC “size” will be represented by radii for mean 10m wind thresholds of 18, 26 and 32 m/s (34, 50 and 64 knots) to denote the furthest distance (in metres) away from the centre of the TC at which each of the wind speed thresholds are exceeded. Each of these are computed for each of four earth-relative quadrants, i.e. in NE, SE, SW and NW, delivering a total of 12 “size metrics” for each TC at each time step. To arrive at these metrics the code scans, in outwards fashion, all model gridpoints within each quadrant. Values are computed for the HRES and ENS for all TCs that are either present in the initial conditions, or that develop during the forecast integrations (i.e. TC “genesis”). The new values, which we will call “wind radii”, are included as supplementary information within the BUFR message that currently contains the TC tracks (pairs of latitudes and longitudes) and the TC intensities (minimum pressure and overall maximum wind speed). Implementation of the TC wind radii product was motivated by continuing model developments such as the recent re-tuning of the Charnock parameter for very high wind speeds, which goes live in model cycle 47r1, and which improves lower tropospheric wind speeds around intense storms. Computation of the wind radii values is executed after the TC tracking, in a post-processing step, using code developed by NOAA which is available in the public domain. The wind radii values are non-zero wherever the wind thresholds are exceeded, otherwise they are set to zero. If the track is missing at specific time step(s) then values are replaced by a missing value indicator. No changes were made to the TC tracker software. |
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The new model cycle brings improvements throughout the troposphere in the order of 0.5% in extra-tropical upper-air forecasts. The improvements are most apparent in the ENS scores, both against own analysis and against observations.
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In the extra-tropical stratosphere, the new cycle brings large improvements, such as 2-5% error reductions for temperature and geopotential at 100 hPa and 5-15% at 50 hPa. In the tropics, there is an apparent degradation in the order of 1-3% in upper air scores when forecasts from each cycle are verified against those cycles' own analyses, but when forecasts are verified against observations the impact is neutral. Verification against observations shows that upper-air changes in the tropics are overall neutral, with small improvements and deteriorations balancing each other out. One exception is 250 hPa temperature in the tropics, where a deterioration of 1-3% is seen also against observations. This is mainly due to a small (about +0.1 K) shift in the mean, resulting from the model changes in the new cycle. The new cycle improves forecasts of several near-surface parameters, most notably 2m temperature and humidity (by about 0.5%) both in the extra-tropics and, when verified against observations, also in the tropics. Extra-tropical 10m wind in the HRES is slightly improved, as well as total cloud cover both in ENS and HRES. Tropical 10m wind is very slightly deteriorated. Significant wave height is mostly neutral against observations and improved against own analysis. Changes in forecast performance for tropical cyclone (TC) tracks are statistically neutral. There is a small deterioration in TC intensity in terms of central pressure, but the pressure-wind relationship has been improved, and there is a small improvement in mean maximum wind speed errors. The impact of 47R1 on weekly mean anomalies in the extended-range forecasts is overall neutral, except for some improvement in 50hPa meridional velocity and temperature while there is a slight degradation in week 1 in the tropical troposphere. The MJO is 3-4% weaker in the extended-range in the new cycle, which implies a slight degradation. |
Scorecards presenting the new cycle performance will be made available soon. The evaluation of the new Cycle 47r1 is based on the alpha and beta testing of the model.
Technical content
Changes to BUFR encoding.
A new BUFR sequence has been designed to accommodate the new TC information. Technical information is available at:
New Tropical Cyclone Wind Radii product
The versions of software packages providing full support for the new IFS Cycle 47r1 will be announced closer to the release of the test data.
Availability of test data from the IFS cycle 47r1 test suites
Test data will be available at the end of May.