- state=$(ecflow_client --query state /path/to/node) # return node state to standard out
- dstate=$(ecflow_client --query dstate /path/to/node) # state that can includes suspended
value=$(ecflow_client --query repeat /path/to/node ) # # return the current value as a string
value=$(ecflow_client --query repeat /path/to/node prev ) # return the previous value as a string, does not modify real repeat
value=$(ecflow_client --query repeat /path/to/node next) # return the next value as a string, does not modify real repeat
- event=$(ecflow_client --query event /path/to/task/with/event:event_name) # return set | clear to standard out
- meter=$(ecflow_client --query meter /path/to/task/with/meter:meter_name) # # returns the current value of the meter to standard out
- value=$(ecflow_client --query variable /path/to/task/with/var:var_name ) # # returns the variable value to standard out
limit_value=$(ecflow_client --query limit /path/to/task/with/limit:limit_name) # # returns the current value of the limit to standard out
limit_max=$(ecflow_client --query limit_max /path/to/task/with/limit:limit_name) # returns the max value of the limit to standard out
- label_value=$(ecflow_client --query label %ECF_NAME%:label_name) # # returns the current value of the label to standard out
- value=$(ecflow_client --query trigger /path/to/node/with/trigger \"/suite/task == complete\") # return true if expression evaluates false otherwise