- 120 h long forecast from 00UTC and 12UTC
- IFS model resolution T511L137TL511L137
- 4D-Var minimisations at TL95 and TL159analysis resolution T159/T95, using 12h 4D-Var and VarBC
- 4D-Var analysis windows from 15-3UTC and 3-15UTC
- coupled ocean (NEMO) in ORCA025_Z75 configuration
- interactive ozone and aerosol in the radiation code
- CAMS_GLOB_BIO v1.0 climatological biogenic emissions
- CAMS_GLOB_ANT v4.2 anthropogenic emissions, excluding agricultural waste burning (AWB) to avoid double-counting with GFAS
- CAMS_GLOB_VOLC volcanic outgassing emissions, based on Carn et al. (2017)
- Hybrid Linear Ozone (HLO) scheme for stratospheric ozone
- new sea-salt emission scheme based on Albert et al. (2016)
- updated dust source function
- GFASv1.4 fire emissions (retaining cap for organic matter as in previous cycles)
- Improved diurnal cycle and vertical profile for anthropogenic emissions
- Revised coefficients in UV processor