Versions Compared


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* New CMEM option for desert model(CIDESERT): e.g. enable to use desert parameterization (Grody and Weng, 2008)
* New CMEM option for snow emission models (CISNOW): e.g. enable to use multi-layer HUT (Lemmetyinen et al., 2010)
* New CMEM option for snow layers setting (CISNOWSET): e.g. enable to treat muti-layer snowpack
* New CMEM option for snow temperature (CISNOWTEMP): e.g. enable to set snow temperature properly
* New CMEM option for volume fraction of liquid water in snow (CISNOWMV): e.g. enable to use diagnostic values as Anderson(1976)
* New CMEM option for dielectric model for not frozen vegetation (CIVEGDW): e.g. enable to use new parameterization (Matzler, 1994)
* New CMEM option for dielectric model for frozen vegetation (CIVEGDI): e.g. enable to be treated as not frozen
* New CMEM option for output of effective temperature (used for calculating effective emissivity) (CIOTEFF)
* New CMEM option for summarize of options (used for output filename)(CNAMEIDTYPE)
* Added new options for dielectric mixing model (CIDIEL): Calvet: Calvet et al., 1995 (target: 23.8 - 90GHz), Mt_Mironov_t: Mironov and Fomin, 2009 (target: 0.3 - 26.5GHz)
* Added new option for surface roughness model (CIRGHR): Wang: Wang et al., 2015 (target: 4 - 8GHz)
* Added new option for atmospheric radiative transfer model (CIATM): Input: input atmospheric optical thickness and radiation from file or external program (e.g. RTTOV)
* Added new options for temperature of vegetation (CITVEG): Da_dual_all: high vegetation temperature is air temperature (e.g. 2mT), low vegetation temperature is soil surface temperature (e.g. at 1-5cm), Ds_dual_onlysnow: at snow covered area, vegetation temperature is as Da_dual_all. at not snow covered area, vegetation temperature is soil surface temperature (e.g. at 1-5cm)
* Added configuration: number of snow layer in the snow emission model (NLAY_SNOW)
* Deleted simulation configuration to decide offline from IFS (LOFFCMEM): no longer needed
* A simulation configuration function about LOFIELDEXP divided into two new configurations (LSURF_TYPE_CONST and LATM_TB_UP_ZERO)
* Added simulation configuration about lake temperature for water tile (LWATER_TLAKE)
* Added simulation configuration about incident angle (LTHETA_CONST): enable to treat cross-track scan data
* Added simulation configuration about check level of model configurations (CK_LEVEL)
* Added output files (e.g. effective emissivity, brightness temperature from soil, snowpack properties)
* Deleted roughness parameter 0 reset for frozen soil
* Avoided division by 0 in Wtexture surface roughness model
* Deleted the effect of atmospheric radiation in computing soil reflectivity under snow
* Added considering the effect of snow surface reflection in computing top-of-atmosphere brightness temperature
* Updated single-layer HUT as the latest version
* Modified opacity unit in CIATM:Ulaby
* Changed default Real KIND (single -> double)
* Changed log format
* Changed output filename
* Changed subroutine I/O variables: enable to use source code in parallel processing environment
* Bugs fixed reported for CMEM v5.1

CMEM v5.1 (Feb 2014Jul 2015)

This new tag for the CMEM includes the following modifications:
