Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • state    return   [unknown | complete | queued  |  aborted | submitted | active] to standard out
  • dstate   return [unknown | complete | queued  |  aborted | submitted | active | suspended] to standard out
  •  repeat   returns current value as a string to standard out, can also retrieve the next and previous value of the repeat. See examples below
    The next/prev will always stay within repeat bounds. hence calling 'next' on the last value of the repeat, will return last value.
    Likewise calling 'prev' on a repeat that has not started, will return the first/start value.
  • event    return 'set' | 'clear' to standard out
  • meter    return value of the meter to standard out
  • variable return value of the variable, repeat or generated variable to standard out, will search up the node tree
  • trigger  returns 'true' if the expression is true, otherwise 'false'\n\n"

 If this command is called within a '.ecf' script we will additionally log the task calling this command
