Versions Compared


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  • IFS branch 46R1.20190910
  • Resolution: Tco1279 (9km) and 137 vertical levels
  • Initial meteo from NWP OPER stream (early delivery) in order to start the forecast half a day earlier.
  • The experiment is initialised (with nudging) from the GHG analysis experiment h72g at 00UTC (the coupling with the analysis is done by merging the 4-day forecast from GHG delayed analysis experiment and the cyclic high resolution forecast).

  • 5-day forecast from 00UTC
  • Coupled to CTESSEL Net Ecosystem Exchange surface fluxes.
  • New CAMS-GLOB-ANTv2.1 anthropogenic emissions  for 2018 (2019 emissions were not available on time).
  • GFAS fire emissions 1 day behind real time.
  • Roedenbeck et al. (2013) CO2 air-sea monthly fluxes for 2017 (Jena-CarboScope v1.6 based on SOCAT data).
  • Tracer mass fixer: Diamantakis and Agusti-Panareda (2017) with BETA value of 2.

Changes introduced during production affecting the quality of the products

 real dateexp datedescription of change

Flux updates

real dateexp datedescription of change
2020010620200101CO emissions from MACCity_gfas_rean_v2 (consistent with CAMS re-analysis)
2019121620200101CO2 emissions from CAMS-GLOB-ANTv2.1 2020
2019121620200101CH4 emissions from CAMS-GLOB-ANTv2.1 2020