The Community Microwave Emission Modelling Platform (CMEM) has been developed by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) as the forward operator for low frequency passive microwave brightness temperatures ( from 1GHz to 20 GHz ) of the surface. Up to date CMEM documentation is provided in de Rosnay et al 2019.
For the atmospheric radiative transfer calculations, the RTTOV [Radiative Transfer model for Television Infrared Orbiting Satellite (TIROS) Operational Vertical Sounder (TOVS)] software package has been developed as a community model. It is updated and maintained by the UK Met Office under the framework of EUMETSAT's NWP Satellite Application Facility (SAF). Although CMEM has been designed for frequencies below 20 GHz, its modular structure allows upgrades to higher frequencies and it is envisaged to interface CMEM into the RTTOV software package.
3- Platform structure
CMEM is coded in Fortran 90. It is a highly modular software package providing I/O interfaces for the Numerical Weather Prediction Community.
The CMEM code is organized as described in the following Figure. The main program is cmem_main.F90 in which the following tasks are addressed:
Radiative transfer computation of CMEM is modular. It is structured in four modules for soil, vegetation, snow and atmosphere. The Platform choice of different models physics is detailed next section. The scheme below summarizes this structure.
4- Platform models physics