Code Block |
# basic for loop
for i = 1 to 4 do
print (i)
end for
# for loop with a list
for i = 1 to count(thisList) do
print (i, " : ", thisList[i])
end for
# for loop using dates with a step
for day = 2003-01-24 to 2003-02-14 by 3 do
print (day)
end for
# basic while loop
n = 1
while n <= 10 do
n = n + 1
end while
# basic repeat loop
n = 1
n = n + 1
until n > 10
# loop - can be used on lists, fieldsets and geopoints
loop element in thisList
end loop |
Code Block |
# basic if test
if a = b then
print(’a and b are equal’)
end if
# if test with an else condition
if a = b then
print(’a and b are equal’)
else print(’a and b are different’)
end if
# if test with an else if and an else condition
if a > 0 then
print(’a is positive’)
else if a < 0 then
print(’a is negative’)
else print(’a is null’)
end if
# when statement. The code following the first true expression is
# executed.
a > 0 :
print(’a is positive’)
a < 0 :
print(’a is negative’)
a = 0 :
print(’a is null’)
end when
# case statement
case type(x) of
’number’ :
print(’x is a number’)
’date’ :
print(’x is a date’)
otherwise :
stop(’Unsupported type’)
end case |
You can define your own functions in Macro. Functions can take any number of input arguments and can optionally enforce type-checking on them. A function does not need to have a return value. Only one value can be returned - to return multiple values, return a structure such as a list, vector or definition containing the values.