- Filename(s) for that cycle, for example:
stream: enfo/enfh for real-time/reforecast outputs
version: test/prod
levelType: pl/sl/pt/pt/oc for pressure/surface/potential temp/potential vorticity/ocean level
ensembleMember: 000, 001, 002.... (000 for control forecast, 001 for the 1st epsmenber etc)
example: s2s_ukmo_prod_enfo_2019101000_pl_002.grib2
it means all steps and parameters are merged into one file
- Preferred transfer protocol (currently supported: ftp, sftp and http)
- Username and password for the above
- Estimated size (bytes and fields) of the real-time forecast per cycle as well as the re-forecast. Please add this information to the table on S2S Data Provider Information and contacts
Technical contact point for testing all of the above