The so called tigge_check tool is a part of ecCodes package. It should be used to validate all GRIB2 files prepared for TIGGE. The tool is checking all encoding details so that only fully compliant TIGGE files following exactly required definitions would pass. Find more information about the tool in the page Data encoding checking tools
General GRIB2 key
- gribMasterTablesVersionNumber ie.g <=4
- =17 (current latest one released in 2019)
- =17 (current latest one released in 2019)
- localTablesVersion=0
- no local tables should be used
TIGGE Production status of processed data
Octet 20 of section 1 of a GRIB2 message contains the Production status of processed data. The WMO has added two values to table 1.3 Production status of data:
- 4:TIGGE operational products
- 5: TIGGE test products
Control and perturbed forecasts
Control and perturbed forecasts are identified in section 1 and 4. The following tables explains how to code them in GRIB2: