Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • The Control Forecast must be number 0,
  • The number of members is identical to the number of all EPS members plus the Control Forecast.

GRIB encoding

TIGGE GRIB2 checking tool

The so called tigge_check tool is a part of ecCodes package. It should be used to validate all GRIB2 files prepared for TIGGE. The tool is checking all encoding details so that only fully compliant TIGGE files following exactly required definitions would pass. Find more information about the tool in the page Data encoding checking tools


1) TIGGE Production status of processed data


Octet 20 of section 1 of a GRIB2 message contains the Production status of processed data. The WMO has added two values to table 1.3 Production status of data:

  • 4:TIGGE operational products
  • 5: TIGGE test products


2) Control and perturbed forecasts

Control and perturbed forecasts are identified in section 1 and 4. The following tables explains how to code them in GRIB2:

Section 1
Example perturbedExample control
21type of processed data4 3 

Ensemble (section 4, template 4.61)
Example perturbedExample control
8-9product definition template number



35type of ensemble forecast255 (missing) 255 (missing) 
36perturbation number70
37number of forecasts in ensemble5151
  • statistically processed (typeOfStatisticalProcessing is set up)

TIGGE extension (Section 2)

It is proposed that the section 2 for TIGGE fields be the same for all partners. A GRIB2 decoder must decode the section 2 as a TIGGE extension based on the octect 36 of section 1 (Production status of processed data) being 4 or 5.

The format of the TIGGE extension is not yet defined. The section 2 should either be missing or empty.

Checking tool


Sample data

Data exchange

Naming convention


  • CCC: centre acronym  (e.g. kwbc for NCEP data)
  • YYYYMMDDHH: date * time stamp (e.g. 2019100100 for 0Z run on 2019-10-01)
  • VVVV: test/prod
  •  LL: pl/sl (pressure or surface data)
  • NNN: eps number (cf=0, eps1=1,....)