Tabs Page |
Code Block |
language | py |
title | Storm Track Example |
#Metview Macro
# **************************** LICENSE START ***********************************
# Copyright 2019 ECMWF. This software is distributed under the terms
# of the Apache License version 2.0. In applying this license, ECMWF does not
# waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by virtue of its status as
# an Intergovernmental Organization or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
# ***************************** LICENSE END ************************************
# read CSV file with the track positions and dates
tbl = read_table(
table_delimiter : " ",
table_combine_delimiters : "on",
table_header_row : 0,
table_filename : "sandy_track.txt"
# read track details into a set of vectors
val_date = values(tbl,1)
val_time = values(tbl,2)
val_lon = values(tbl,3)
val_lat = values(tbl,4)
# define date and time labels for track points
for i=1 to count(val_date) do
val_label = val_label & [" " & substring(string(val_date[i]),7,8) & "/" & val_time[i] ]
end for
# define line and symbol properties
track_graph = mgraph(
graph_line_colour : "red",
graph_line_thickness : 4,
graph_symbol : "on",
graph_symbol_colour : "white",
graph_symbol_height : 0.5,
graph_symbol_marker_index : 15,
graph_symbol_outline : "on",
graph_symbol_outline_colour : "red"
# define label properties
track_text = msymb(
symbol_type : "text",
symbol_text_font_colour : "black",
symbol_text_font_size: "0.3",
symbol_text_font_style: "bold",
symbol_text_list : val_label
# create a visualiser for the track
track_vis = input_visualiser(
input_plot_type : "geo_points",
input_longitude_values : tolist(val_lon),
input_latitude_values : tolist(val_lat)
# read mslp forecast from grib file
g_mslp=read(source: "sandy_mslp.grib")
# define mslp contouring
cont_mslp = mcont(
contour_line_thickness : 2,
contour_line_colour : "black",
contour_highlight : "off",
contour_level_selection_type : "interval",
contour_interval : 5,
grib_scaling_of_derived_fields : "on"
# define coastline
coast = mcoast(
map_coastline_colour : "RGB(0.4449,0.4414,0.4414)",
map_coastline_resolution : "low",
map_coastline_land_shade : "on",
map_coastline_land_shade_colour : "RGB(0.5333,0.5333,0.5333)",
map_coastline_sea_shade : "on",
map_coastline_sea_shade_colour : "RGB(0.7765,0.8177,0.8941)",
map_boundaries : "on",
map_boundaries_colour : "mustard",
map_boundaries_thickness : 2,
map_grid_colour : "RGB(0.2627,0.2627,0.2627)"
# define geographical view
view = geoview(
map_projection : "polar_stereographic",
map_area_definition : "corners",
area : [19.72,-98.59,42.61,-47.28],
map_vertical_longitude : -85,
coastlines : coast
# define the output plot file
setoutput(pdf_output(output_name : 'storm_track'))
#Plot the track and the mslp
plot(view, track_vis, track_graph, track_text, g_mslp, cont_mslp)
Tabs Page |
Code Block |
language | py |
title | Storm Track Example |
#Metview Macro
# **************************** LICENSE START ***********************************
# Copyright 2019 ECMWF. This software is distributed under the terms
# of the Apache License version 2.0. In applying this license, ECMWF does not
# waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by virtue of its status as
# an Intergovernmental Organization or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
# ***************************** LICENSE END ************************************
import metview as mv
# read CSV file with the track positions and dates
tbl = mv.read_table(
table_delimiter = " ",
table_combine_delimiters = "on",
table_header_row = 0,
table_filename = "sandy_track.txt"
# read track details into a set of vectors
val_date = mv.values(tbl, 0)
val_time = mv.values(tbl, 1)
val_lon = mv.values(tbl, 2)
val_lat = mv.values(tbl, 3)
# define date and time labels for track points
val_label = []
for i in range(len(val_date)):
val_label.append(" " + str(val_date[i])[6:8] + "/" + "{:02d}".format(int(val_time[i])))
# define line and symbol properties
track_graph = mv.mgraph(
graph_line_colour = "red",
graph_line_thickness = 4,
graph_symbol = "on",
graph_symbol_colour = "white",
graph_symbol_height = 0.5,
graph_symbol_marker_index = 15,
graph_symbol_outline = "on",
graph_symbol_outline_colour = "red"
# define label properties
track_text = mv.msymb(
symbol_type = "text",
symbol_text_font_colour = "black",
symbol_text_font_size = "0.3",
symbol_text_font_style = "bold",
symbol_text_list = val_label
# create a visualiser for the track
track_vis = mv.input_visualiser(
input_plot_type = "geo_points",
input_longitude_values = list(val_lon),
input_latitude_values = list(val_lat)
# read mslp forecast from grib file
g_mslp ="sandy_mslp.grib")
# define mslp contouring
cont_mslp = mv.mcont(
contour_line_thickness = 2,
contour_line_colour = "black",
contour_highlight = "off",
contour_level_selection_type = "interval",
contour_interval = 5,
grib_scaling_of_derived_fields = "on"
# define coastline
coast = mv.mcoast(
map_coastline_colour = "RGB(0.4449,0.4414,0.4414)",
map_coastline_resolution = "low",
map_coastline_land_shade = "on",
map_coastline_land_shade_colour = "RGB(0.5333,0.5333,0.5333)",
map_coastline_sea_shade = "on",
map_coastline_sea_shade_colour = "RGB(0.7765,0.8177,0.8941)",
map_boundaries = "on",
map_boundaries_colour = "mustard",
map_boundaries_thickness = 2,
map_grid_colour = "RGB(0.2627,0.2627,0.2627)"
# define geographical view
view = mv.geoview(
map_projection = "polar_stereographic",
map_area_definition = "corners",
area = [19.72,-98.59,42.61,-47.28],
map_vertical_longitude = -85,
coastlines = coast
# define the output plot file
mv.setoutput(mv.pdf_output(output_name = 'storm_track'))
#Plot the track and the mslp
mv.plot(view, track_vis, track_graph, track_text, g_mslp, cont_mslp)