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titleStorm wind quadrants Wind Quadrants Example
#Metview Macro

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#  Copyright 2019 ECMWF. This software is distributed under the terms
#  of the Apache License version 2.0. In applying this license, ECMWF does not
#  waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by virtue of its status as
#  an Intergovernmental Organization or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
#  ***************************** LICENSE END ************************************

# read CSV file with the track positions and quadrant sizes in (km)
tbl = read_table(
	table_delimiter	:	" ",
	table_combine_delimiters	:	"on",
	table_header_row	:	0,
	table_filename	:	"dorian_track.csv"
# read track and quadrant details into a set of vectors 
lon  = values(tbl,2)
lat  = values(tbl,1)
quad1 = values(tbl,3)
quad2 = values(tbl,4)
quad3 = values(tbl,5)
quad4 = values(tbl,6)

# build input visualiser objects to represent storm quadrants
quad_vis = nil
for i=1 to count(lon) do
    radiusLst = [quad1[i], quad2[i], quad3[i], quad4[i]]
    quad_vis = quad_vis & [mvl_geocircle(lat[i], lon[i], radiusLst, 40)]   
end for

# create visual definition for storm quadrants
quad_graph = mgraph(
    graph_type: 'area',
    graph_shade_colour: 'RGB(0.6532,0.8642,0.9546)',
    graph_line_colour    : "blue",
    graph_line_thickness : "3",
    graph_line_style     : 'solid'

# create visualiser for the track
track_vis = input_visualiser(
    input_plot_type :   "geo_points",
    input_longitude_values  :   tolist(lon),
    input_latitude_values   :   tolist(lat)

# create visual definition for the track
track_graph = mgraph(
    graph_line_colour   :   "red",
    graph_line_thickness    :   4,
    graph_symbol    :   "on",
    graph_symbol_colour :   "white",
    graph_symbol_height :   0.5,
    graph_symbol_marker_index   :   15,
    graph_symbol_outline    :   "on",
    graph_symbol_outline_colour :   "red"

# define coastlines
coast = mcoast(
    map_coastline_colour            : "RGB(0.2449,0.2414,0.2414)",
    map_coastline_thickness         : 3,
    map_coastline_resolution        : "low",
    map_coastline_land_shade        : "on",
    map_coastline_land_shade_colour : "RGB(0.5333,0.5333,0.5333)",
    map_coastline_sea_shade         : "on",
    map_coastline_sea_shade_colour  : "RGB(0.8358,0.8469,0.8662)",
    map_boundaries                  : "on",
    map_boundaries_colour           : "mustard",
    map_boundaries_thickness        : 2,
    map_grid_colour                 : "RGB(0.2627,0.2627,0.2627)"

# define geographical view
view = geoview(
    map_projection         : "polar_stereographic",
    map_area_definition    : "corners",
    area                   : [17.78,-99.6,41.38,-35.65],
    map_vertical_longitude : -85,
    coastlines	:	coast

# define tile
title = mtext(
    text_lines : ['Storm track and quadrant-based extent of storm Dorian'],
    text_font_size : 0.4

# define the output plot file
setoutput(pdf_output(output_name : 'storm_quadrants')) 

plot(view, quad_vis, quad_graph, track_vis, track_graph, title)