Directories for climatological input files are mostly included through symbolic links to a central storage location.
Model Experiment Parameters
The model experiment directory should now contain the following files:
Code Block |
% ls 399_4@ ICMSHh7ccINIT master.exe sfcwindin wam_namelist ICMCLh7ccINIT cdwavein oifs_run specwavein wam_subgrid_0 ICMGGh7ccINIT fort.4 rtables/ uwavein wam_subgrid_1 ICMGGh7ccINIUA ifsdata@ run.ccb wam_grid_tables wam_subgrid_2 |
All settings and parameters which define the model experiments are set in namelists which need to be copied to fort.4
. We will explore here some of the values set in the namelists:
Code Block |
UTSTEP=900.0 ! model time step is 900 seconds CUSTOP='h144' ! experiment for 144 hours (6 days) CNMEXP="h7cc" ! experiment ID NFPLEV=137 ! model grid has 137 vertical levels NFPMAX=399 ! horizontal resolution is Tco399 NPOSTS=0 ! regular output every 24 steps, NHISTS=0 ! with UTSTEP=900 this means every 6 hours NFRPOS=24 NFRHIS=24 |
Submitting the Control Experiment
We will not run this experiment in an interactive node because this would not provide sufficient resources for a timely completion of the experiment. We will instead submit a job to the batch scheduler, requesting a larger number of computing nodes.
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