Anchor mvl_geocircle mvl_geocircle
definition mvl_geocircle(lat : number, lon : number,radius : number, resolution : number)
The first three parameters specify the centre and the radius (in km) of the circle. Parameter resolution
defines the number of line segments to use to make up the circle.
The usage of this function is demonstrated via the Geocircle on Map Example from the Gallery.
Anchor mvl_geoline mvl_geoline
definition mvl_geoline(lat1 : number, lon1 : number, lat2 : number, lon2 : number, incrm : number)
The first four parameters define the end-points of the line. Parameter incrm
specifies the increment, in degrees, into which the line should be split.
The usage of this function is demonstrated via the Geoline on Map Example from the Gallery.
Anchor plot plot
Generates a plot using the specified output device.