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| this plots a 'spaghetti map' for a given parameter for the ensemble forecasts compared to the reference HRES forecast. Another way of visualizing ensemble spread. | Image Modified
| this plots a vertical cross-section through the forecasts in the same way as the cross-section plots for the analyses. | Image Modified
| this comprehensive macro produces a single map for a given parameter. The map can be either: i/ the ensemble mean, ii/ the ensemble spread, iii/ the control forecast, iv/ a specific perturbed forecast, v/ map of the ensemble probability subject to a threshold, vi/ ensemble percentile map for a given percentile value. For example, it is possible to plot of a map showing the probability that MSLP would be below 995hPa. | Image Modified
| this macro can be used to plot the difference for two ensemble members against the HRES forecasts. As ensemble perturbations are applied in +/- pairs, using this macro it's possible to see the nonlinear development of the members and their difference to the HRES forecast. |