Computes the Lifted Condensation Level of a parcel ascending from a given temperature, dewpoint and pressure, where
: the start temperature in K(°C)td
: the start dewpoint in K(°C)p
: the start pressure in Pa(hPa)
The LCL is the level where the parcel becomes saturated and it is computed with an iterative method along the dry adiabat of the ascending parcel.
The result is a definition with two members: t
and p
, containing the temperature and pressure of the LCL, in K and Pa units, respectively. On error or if the LCL does not exist nil
is returned.
number potential_temperature(number t, number p)
Computes the potential temperature for a given temperature and pressure, where
: the temperature (°C)p
: the pressure (hPa)
The result is the potential temperature in °C units. On error nil
is returned.
number saturation_mixing_ratio(number t, number p)
Computes the saturation mixing ratio for a given temperature and pressure, where
: the temperature (°C)p
: the pressure (hPa)
The result is the saturation_mixing_ratio kg/kg units. On error nil
is returned.
number temperature_from_potential_temperature(number th, number p)
Computes the temperature for a given potential temperature and pressure, where
the potential temperature (°C)p
: the pressure (hPa)
The result is the temperature in °C units. On error nil
is returned.
netcdf thermo_bufr(...)
Extract vertical profiles from BUFR data in a suitable format suitable for thermodynamic diagrams (defined by Thermo View). This is a Metview icon function, for detailed documentation please see Thermo Data.
: the temperature profile (in K or °C)td
: the dew point profile (in K or °C)p
: the pressure profile (in Pa or hPa)
or as a vertical profile where: