Query the status of attributes i.e. state, event, meter, variable or trigger expression without blocking
- state return [unknown | complete | queued queued | aborted | submitted | active] to standard out
- dstate return [unknown | complete | queued queued | suspended | aborted | submitted | active | suspended] to standard out
- event return 'set' | 'clear' to standard out
- meter return value of the meter to standard out
- variable return value of the variable, repeat or generated variable to standard out, will search up the node tree
- trigger returns 'true' if the expression is true, otherwise 'false'\n\n"
- arg1 = [ state | event | meter | variable | trigger ]
- arg2 = <path> | <path>:name where name is name of a event, meter or variable
- arg3 = trigger expression \n\n"(optional)
- ecflow_client --query state /path/to/node # return node state to standard out
- ecflow_client --query dstate /path/to/node # state that can includes suspended
- ecflow_client --query event /path/to/task/with/event:event_name # return set | clear to standard out
- ecflow_client --query meter /path/to/task/with/meter:meter_name # returns the current value of the meter to standard out
- ecflow_client --query variable /path/to/task/with/var:var_name # returns the variable value to standard out
- ecflow_client --query trigger /path/to/node/with/trigger \"/suite/task == complete\" # return true if expression evaluates false otherwise