- via the web (for sample data, limited to one year) using the ECMWF data server web interface:http://apps.ecmwf.int/datasets/data/cams-gfas/
- or through WebAPI, which is the method allowing users to download CAMS data in an operational programmatic way (using Python - example scripts are available).
The gridded satellite data (stream=gfas, type=gsd) may be browsed through the GFAS catalogue and then retrieved via Web-API.
Expand title Latest seven days of GFAS data are also available through the FTP Dissemination server. Note that for the convenience of users who cannot use the ECMWF data server (either via the interactive web interface or through the ECMWF WebAPI), the latest seven days of GFAS data are also available through the FTP Dissemination server. On the FTP server, the new GFAS data becomes available with several hours delay compared to the ECMWF data server. If you wish to have an FTP account setup, please contact Copernicus User Support at ECMWF.
EXAMPLE describing explicitly what is in the files and how the data is described in file headers of GFAS data files on the FTP server.
This file contains the analysis from 28 November between 00:00 - 23:59 analysis:
/DATA/CAMS_GFAS/20171128> ls *frpfire.grib
-rw-r--r-- 1 anonymou ec 25920120 Nov 29 05:18 z_cams_c_ecmf_20171128000000_gfas_an_sfc_frpfire.grib
> grib_ls -p date,time,step z_cams_c_ecmf_20171128000000_gfas_an_sfc_frpfire.grib
date time step
20171128 0 0-24