Python Method
Enter the following python code into a file i.e. test.py :
Code Block |
import os
from ecflow import Defs,Suite,Task,Edit
print("Creating suite definition")
home = os.path.join(os.getenv("HOME"), "course")
defs = Defs(
print(defs) |
Then run as a python script: There are a few ways to run different python versions.
# python 2 is the default
module load python
python test.py
module load python3
python3 test.py
To always target a target a specific python version :
chmod +x test.py
./test.py # this uses shebang, see below, searches for specified python variant in $PATH
Depending on which version you want to run, add the following as the first line in test.py
"hello world"
"hello world"
You should see the text "Creating suite definition" and then your definition as your output.
What to do
- Initially try both plain text and python examples. Later examples are only in python.
- Type in the suite definition file.
- Choose python invocation. i.e. python test.py | python3 test.py | ./test.py
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