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 Status:Ongoing analysis Material from: Tim, Ivan, Linus, Ervin



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Discussed in the following Daily reports:










1. Impact

2. Description of the event


ECMWF analysis of MSLP and air mass RGB, animation every 6 hours covering the period from 27 September 00UTC to 1 October 2018 00 UTC.

The plots below show ASCAT observations near the cyclone (for 29th 0851UTC)  and wind gust observations (max on 28-29 October).

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3. Predictability


3.1 Data assimilation


The panels below show analysis and observations for Zorbas on 29th of September at 09 and 12 UTC. The results highlights that the cyclone was to shallow when the cyclone makes landfall. The 9z analysis is about 997 hPa, while the 12z analysis (both LWDA) is about 1000-1001 hPa. The SYNOP observations in the area are 992 and 1000.5 at 09z and 999 and 991 (two different sources have slightly different values for this lowest observation in Kalamata). Plus it is important to stress that the ASCAT winds show the intense cyclone at 8:51 UTC just southwest from these MSLP observations. At 09z the difference between the OBSs is 8.5, while at 12z ~7-8 hPa. So this actually suggests that the gradient is correct, and with the assumption that we can have based on the ASCAT wid on the cyclone centre at 09z, the real centre pressure has to be below 990 hPa, probably close to 985 hPa or so, at least. Unfortunately our analysis as it seems could not really use the observations and ASCAT well enough to make the cyclone deeper.

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The plots below show the observation statistics for surface pressure from Menhoni (observation in top left above), Kalamata airport from synop (middle) and from the same station but metar (right). It is clear that the assimilation did not fit the observation at Kalamata.

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3.2 HRES

The first plots below shows (the few) observations of 24-hour precipitation 29 September 06z to 30 September 06z and the following plots HRES forecasts from different initial times valid the same time. The plots also includes MSLP valid at 18UTC on 29  September.


The plots below show  HRES forecasts for 24-hour maximum wind gusts valid 29 September (shade) and MSLP valid 29 September 18UTC (contour).

3.3 ENS

The plots below show Dalmatian plots (with max precip) from 29 September (first plot) to 24 September (last plot), from the 00z runs, verifying at 12z on 29 September (when the cyclone reached Greece).

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The plots below show EFI and SOT for 24-hour precipitation (29 September).


3.5 Comparison with other centres

3.6 EFAS

Some indication of potential severe floods in the south of Greece was picked up by EFAS sysetm. Also some chance for flash flood was present. It is difficult to judge how was the observed extent of the river floods and flash floods. Possibly EFAS was underestimating them. In the 28th 00z run some rivers on the Peloponnese got flared up (blueish coloured river sections), and also there were flash flood alert points (more in the 12z runs as the snapshot is showed for) in the model.

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4. Experience from general performance/other cases
