Tabs Page |
Code Block |
language | py |
title | Bar Plotting Example |
# Metview Macro
# **************************** LICENSE START ***********************************
# Copyright 2018 ECMWF. This software is distributed under the terms
# of the Apache License version 2.0. In applying this license, ECMWF does not
# waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by virtue of its status as
# an Intergovernmental Organization or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
# ***************************** LICENSE END ************************************
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Description: Demonstrates how to plot time serie vectors using linebars
# and bars in a Cartesian view.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# set up the axis for the cartesian view
my_vaxis = maxis(axis_tick_label_height : 0.40,
axis_orientation : "VERTICAL",
axis_grid_thickness : 1,
axis_type : "REGULAR",
axis_tick_label_colour : "NAVY",
axis_grid : "ON",
axis_grid_line_style : "DOT",
axis_grid_colour : "GREY")
my_haxis = maxis(axis_orientation : "HORIZONTAL",
axis_grid_thickness : 1,
axis_type : "DATE",
axis_days_label_height : 0.40,
axis_grid : "ON",
axis_months_label_height : 0.40,
axis_years_label_height : 0.50,
axis_grid_line_style : "DOT",
axis_grid_colour : "GREY")
my_view = cartesianview(x_axis_type : "DATE",
x_date_min : "2012-03-03 00:00:00",
x_date_max : "2012-03-08 00:00:00",
y_axis_type : "regular",
y_min : 25,
y_max : 75,
horizontal_axis : my_haxis,
vertical_axis : my_vaxis,
subpage_y_length: 70)
# define first set of input vectors to plot
my_dates1 = ["2012-03-04 00:00:00","2012-03-04 12:00:00","2012-03-05 00:00:00"]
my_input1 = input_visualiser(input_plot_type : "xy_area",
input_x_type : "date",
input_date_x_values : my_dates1,
input_date_x2_values : my_dates1,
input_y_values : [30,35,50],
input_y2_values : [60,40,70])
# set up a linebar plot for the first set
my_graph1 = mgraph(graph_type : "BAR",
graph_bar_colour : "RED",
graph_bar_style : "LINEBAR",
graph_bar_line_colour : "RED",
graph_bar_justification : "RIGHT",
graph_bar_width : 6*3600,
graph_bar_line_thickness : 4,
graph_bar_annotation_font_size : 0.40,
graph_bar_annotation : ["<font colour='red'>Using linebar style</font>"],
legend : "ON")
# define second set of input vectors to plot
my_dates2 = ["2012-03-06 00:00:00","2012-03-06 12:00:00","2012-03-07 00:00:00"]
my_input2 = input_visualiser(input_plot_type : "xy_area",
input_x_type : "date",
input_date_x_values : my_dates2,
input_date_x2_values : my_dates2,
input_y_values : [60,40,30],
input_y2_values : [00,00,00])
# set up a bar plot for the second set
my_graph2 = mgraph(graph_type : "BAR",
graph_shade_colour : "GREEN",
graph_bar_annotation_font_colour : "CHARCOAL",
graph_bar_justification : "CENTRE",
graph_bar_width : 3*3600,
graph_bar_annotation_font_size : 0.40,
graph_bar_annotation : ["<font colour='evergreen'>Using bar style</font>"],
legend_user_text : " ",
legend : "ON")
# set up the title
my_title = mtext(text_font_size : 0.6,
text_lines : ["More options on bar plotting ..."],
text_justification : "LEFT",
text_colour : "CHARCOAL")
# define the output plot file
setoutput(pdf_output(output_name : 'graph4'))
# plot the cartesian graph
Tabs Page |
Code Block |
language | py |
title | Bar Plotting Example |
# Metview Example
# **************************** LICENSE START ***********************************
# Copyright 2018 ECMWF. This software is distributed under the terms
# of the Apache License version 2.0. In applying this license, ECMWF does not
# waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by virtue of its status as
# an Intergovernmental Organization or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
# ***************************** LICENSE END ************************************
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Description: Demonstrates how to plot time serie vectors using linebars
# and bars in a Cartesian view.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
import metview as mv
# set up the axis for the cartesian view
my_vaxis = mv.maxis(axis_tick_label_height = 0.40,
axis_orientation = "VERTICAL",
axis_grid_thickness = 1,
axis_type = "REGULAR",
axis_tick_label_colour = "NAVY",
axis_grid = "ON",
axis_grid_line_style = "DOT",
axis_grid_colour = "GREY")
my_haxis = mv.maxis(axis_orientation = "HORIZONTAL",
axis_grid_thickness = 1,
axis_type = "DATE",
axis_days_label_height = 0.40,
axis_grid = "ON",
axis_months_label_height = 0.40,
axis_years_label_height = 0.50,
axis_grid_line_style = "DOT",
axis_grid_colour = "GREY")
my_view = mv.cartesianview(x_axis_type = "DATE",
x_date_min = "2012-03-03 00:00:00",
x_date_max = "2012-03-08 00:00:00",
y_axis_type = "regular",
y_min = 25,
y_max = 75,
horizontal_axis = my_haxis,
vertical_axis = my_vaxis,
subpage_y_length= 70)
# define first set of input vectors to plot
my_dates1 = ["2012-03-04 00:00:00","2012-03-04 12:00:00","2012-03-05 00:00:00"]
my_input1 = mv.input_visualiser(input_plot_type = "xy_area",
input_x_type = "date",
input_date_x_values = my_dates1,
input_date_x2_values = my_dates1,
input_y_values = [30,35,50],
input_y2_values = [60,40,70])
# set up a linebar plot for the first set
my_graph1 = mv.mgraph(graph_type = "BAR",
graph_bar_colour = "RED",
graph_bar_style = "LINEBAR",
graph_bar_line_colour = "RED",
graph_bar_justification = "RIGHT",
graph_bar_width = 6*3600,
graph_bar_line_thickness = 4,
graph_bar_annotation_font_size = 0.40,
graph_bar_annotation = ["<font colour='red'>Using linebar style</font>"],
legend = "ON")
# define second set of input vectors to plot
my_dates2 = ["2012-03-06 00:00:00","2012-03-06 12:00:00","2012-03-07 00:00:00"]
my_input2 = mv.input_visualiser(input_plot_type = "xy_area",
input_x_type = "date",
input_date_x_values = my_dates2,
input_date_x2_values = my_dates2,
input_y_values = [60,40,30],
input_y2_values = [00,00,00])
# set up a bar plot for the second set
my_graph2 = mv.mgraph(graph_type = "BAR",
graph_shade_colour = "GREEN",
graph_bar_annotation_font_colour = "CHARCOAL",
graph_bar_justification = "CENTRE",
graph_bar_width = 3*3600,
graph_bar_annotation_font_size = 0.40,
graph_bar_annotation = ["<font colour='evergreen'>Using bar style</font>"],
legend_user_text = " ",
legend = "ON")
# set up the title
my_title = mv.mtext(text_font_size = 0.6,
text_lines = ["More options on bar plotting ..."],
text_justification = "LEFT",
text_colour = "CHARCOAL")
# define the output plot file
mv.setoutput(mv.pdf_output(output_name = 'graph4'))
# plot the cartesian graph